
  • New Video Highlights Horror of Abortion

    Pro-life media group Live Action has posted to X a video showing horrifying footage of young babies dismembered and mangled by abortion, stressing that this carnage is the direct result of what pro-aborts call “reproductive rights.”

    “This is what ‘reproductive rights’ look like,” the Live Action account wrote as a caption to a video montage showing the disfigured bodies of babies torn apart by abortion, including late-term babies. The video also includes animated footage demonstrating how children are most frequently aborted: torn to pieces in a second trimester dilation and evacuation (D&E) abortion or sucked out of the womb in a first trimester suction dilation and curettage (D&C) abortion.

    Despite Elon Musk's frequently expressed concerns about collapsing birth rates, X does not allow the video to be embedded for sharing.

    Several babies shown were among the five nearly full-term aborted children discovered by pro-life activists Lauren Handy and Terrisa Bukovinac in 2022 outside a Washington, D.C. abortion facility run by Cesare Santangelo.

    Most of those who commented on the video montage responded with sorrow and horror, while a few liberals and feminists dismissed the footage as “propaganda.”

    While there remain critics, including soft pro-life advocates who believe showing graphic abortion images is inadvisable due to its potential to disturb the post-abortive, children, and others, advocates of these images argue that their power to change hearts and save lives outweighs such impact. They maintain that, in fact, these images’ disturbing nature is the very thing that awakens people to the evil of abortion.

    Many have testified that graphic imagery — including animated simulations of abortion — is the most powerful means of transforming hearts and minds to a pro-life position. Father Frank Pavone, former national director of Priests for Life, has stated, “There is no single thing that I have seen more powerful to change people on abortion than simply showing them the pictures … When people see what abortion does to a baby, they are stung to the heart and their consciences are awakened.”

    Fr. Pavone has said the graphic images frequently cause numerous, almost instant conversions of pro-abortion people to a pro-life position. He shared in 2007, “I get emails every day – you will hear people say, ‘I was 100% pro-choice until I saw those pictures.’  We get emails every day saying that the people who went to our website and saw the pictures of the babies began to cry and in a minute they moved from being 100% pro-abortion to being 100% pro-life.”

     Joe Scheidler, founder of Pro-Life Action League in the U.S., has said the fight against abortion would never have made any political headway without images of abortion. 

  • 'Screaming' Biden Regime Slammed by Mark Zuckerberg

    Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has slammed Biden administration officials who would “scream” and “curse” at executives at the social media giant during the COVID-19 pandemic, demanding that even “true” posts critical of the mandated vaccine be banned.  

    In a wide-ranging video interview with popular podcast host Joe Rogan, Zuckerberg came down hard on the Biden White House’s attempts to censor all opposition to the government’s vaccine program.  

    “While they were trying to push that program, they also tried to censor anyone who was basically arguing against it. And they pushed us super hard to take down things that honestly were true,” Zuckerberg told Rogan. 

    Zuckerberg, who heads Meta — the parent company of Facebook and Instagram — explained that, at the outset of the pandemic, he and his executives decided that government health authorities should be granted “a little bit of deference” concerning content moderation.   

    He indicated to Rogan that he soon became troubled by the Biden Administration’s demands.     

    “They basically pushed us and said anything that says that vaccines might have side effects, you need to take down,” he said. “And I was just like well, we’re not going to do that.” 

    “These people from the Biden Administration would call up our team and scream at them and curse.”  

    With huge compensation payouts to Covid jab injured victims in the UK now in the news, it looks as though the whole sorry story of the elite's manipulation of the much-hyped 'pandemic' is going to come spilling out!

  • Mel Gibson to Film Resurrection of Christ

    Mel Gibson told Joe Rogan that Jim Caviezel will again be starring as Jesus Christ in his forthcoming film “The Resurrection of the Christ” that will begin filming in 2026.

    During a long interview on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, Gibson told the popular host that he intends to make the long-awaited sequel to his 2004 film “The Passion of the Christ,” and that Caviezel will again star as Our Lord. The film, to be titled “The Resurrection of the Christ,” is set to begin filming in 2026, according to Gibson.

    In the conversation about the film, Rogan and Gibson took the time to admire Caviezel’s portrayal of Christ in the initial film, mentioning that it had a profound spiritual impact on the American actor and that, in their estimation, Caviezel played Our Lord better than any other actor before or since.

    This is not the first time Gibson and others have talked about a sequel being made to the ultra-successful first film, with Caviezel saying in 2020 that “The Resurrection of the Christ” movie will be the biggest in “world history.”

    Caviezel and Gibson are well-known for being outspoken promotors of the Catholic faith, with both men having a history of publicly condemning abortion and speaking openly about the importance of their faith.

  • Threat to Christian Prayers in UK Parliament

    Our Christian heritage is under attack again. And, as always, its by atheistic elite liberals, using "minorities" that they imported in the first place as battering rams against Christianity and tradition.

    But a veteran MP has warned that Parliamentary prayers should not be abandoned to appease ‘modernisers’.

    Sir John Hayes said it was important to begin each sitting of the House of Commons with prayer to afford MPs time for quiet reflection, and in recognition of the UK’s Christian heritage.

    The practice is thought to have been first introduced in 1558. Prayers follow the Christian faith and attendance is voluntary.

    Sir John contended: “Whether you believe in the divine or not, it’s important to recognise our country is rooted in the Christian traditions. Prayers are a reminder of that.”

    He warned that some among the new intake of MPs “either because of ignorance or hostility, don’t understand the point about the need for a period of contemplative time or the Christian tradition on which our country’s system of ethics and laws are founded”.

    He added: “There’s a certain sort of arrogance associated with people who arrive somewhere and want to change everything before they really understand it.”

    Form of the main prayer in the House of Commons

    “Lord, the God of righteousness and truth, grant to our King and his government, to Members of Parliament and all in positions of responsibility, the guidance of your Spirit. May they never lead the nation wrongly through love of power, desire to please, or unworthy ideals but laying aside all private interests and prejudices keep in mind their responsibility to seek to improve the condition of all mankind; so may your kingdom come and your name be hallowed.

  • Tiny Twins Survive 22 Weeks Birth

    Twin boys, born at just 22 weeks and weighing only 400 grams each, had to spend over a hundred days in hospital before they could go home.

    The boys were born at Chungnam National University Sejong Hospital in South Korea after their mother’s waters broke early, at just 22 weeks and three days gestation – making them among the smallest surviving premature twins. They immediately required resuscitation procedures, including tracheal intubation, and were barely breathing on a ventilator.

    “The miracle of survival by overcoming the extreme crisis of extremely low-birth-weight identical twins, for which it is difficult to find even statistics, is evaluated as the first achievement in Korea overcome by the high-level expertise and dedicated efforts of the medical staff of the NICU of Chungnam National University Sejong Hospital”, the hospital said.

    The remarkable and heart-warming story deals another blow at the abortion industry ghouls who claim that such precious infants are mere "clumps of cells" to be disposed off if they are in any way inconvenient.

  • Costco Rejects Abortion Pills

    Wholesale chain Costco has refused to bow to aggressive pro-abortion demands to sell DIY abortion pills.

    The good news comes after the issue arose last August, when the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) wrote to numerous major retailers urging them not to sell chemical abortion drugs through their pharmacies. Among those pressuring Costco and others were New York Democratic Comptroller Brad Lander, who claimed that not doing so would “risk losing investor confidence.”

    “Maximizing shareholder value requires Costco to avoid politicizing its services and to continue to do what it has always done best, provide excellent grocery and retail goods to families,” ADF wrote. “The ‘growing market opportunity’ of abortion drugs is legally and politically fraught, raises significant reputational issues, and reduces the company’s customer base, both literally and because it would drive away many existing customers.”

    Costco's subsequent refusal to stock the pills (at least for the time being) won it the gratitude of pro-life groups such as Live Action, which circulated a video and thanking the company and urging pro-lifers to switch their pharmacies to Costco from rivals which have entered the abortion pill business.

  • Doctors' Concerns Undermine Support for Euthanasia

    Dozens of MPs who voted in favour of Kim Leadbeater’s assisted suicide Bill have suggested they may withdraw their support over what medics’ involvement may be.

    The Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill intends to allow those in England and Wales deemed to be terminally ill and with less than six months to live to receive help to kill themselves.

    It passed its Second Reading in the House of Commons with a majority of 55 votes, and is soon to be considered by a committee, but several MPs scrutinising it say it must change in order to progress.

    Among other changes they hope to secure, MPs are particularly keen to ensure medical professionals are prohibited from suggesting assisted suicide to their patients.

    The Guardian reports that as many as 30 MPs are prepared to withdraw their support if such assurances are not given, which could potentially cause the Bill to fail at its Third Reading.

    One MP told the newspaper: “I was happy for it to progress, but there are concerns as well that I’ve got that will be addressed before it actually becomes law.”

    They added: “I think that 55 majority will start [being chipped away at]. I think it will pass probably between 10 and 20 majority. And that then starts to make things potentially more difficult in the Lords.”

    Labour MPs Chris Webb and Mike Tapp, both of whom voted for the Bill, are in favour of amending it to try to reduce scope for coercion.

    Webb said that 60 per cent of 400 constituents who responded to his survey had indicated they want assisted suicide to be legalised, and that he had voted for it on that basis. But he added: “I do feel it needs further robust scrutiny and debate and I will consider my position in the ensuing stages while continuing to listen to all perspectives.

    “I’m uncomfortable that it allows doctors to suggest to patients they could take their own lives and believe this needs to be removed from the bill.”

    And Tapp told BBC News: “It should only be discussed if it is raised by the patient. This helps mitigate the risk of accidental coercion, or the perception of a hint, at a time of immense emotional distress and vulnerability.”

    Former Cabinet minister David Davis also voted in favour of legalisation, but told the Commons: “I say to both the bill’s sponsors that it has a number of areas that they know I think they have to put right – about a dozen, in truth.”

    He added: “After the ‘Do not resuscitate’ scandal during the Covid crisis, I do not want that at any price – I do not want the state initiating this process. That is critical for me.”

  • Satanic Deception With Words - Vigano's Timely Warning

    Homily on the Octave of Most Holy Christmas - part of the latest fine sermon by Archbishop Vigano, surely one of the gretest men of these dark times:


    In this new civil year, which for two thousand and twenty-five years has been counted from the Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ, I would like us to reflect on the importance of the word: the Word of God, in which the meaning of our eternal life is preserved; and the word with which we communicate and express ourselves, which preserves the meaning of our daily life.

    The Revolution, the satanic matrix of this rebellious world hostile to the Incarnate Word, knows well that changing words also changes their meaning. This is why the lie of the ancient Serpent uses false and deceptive language. This is why the servants of the Evil One hide their deceptions behind words that are only apparently harmless. It is the Orwellian newspeak that renames the horrendous crime of abortion as reproductive health, mutilation as gender transition, vice and transgression as freedom, the destruction of Creation as green deal, the extermination of humanity as net zero, and ethnic replacement as inclusion.

    And if up until a few decades ago Holy Mother Church knew how to oppose this subversion by repeating unchanged the eternal and true Word of God and using the language proper to Faith and Morals, today a corrupt Hierarchy shows its betrayal in the same way, manipulating language, thus annulling the word of God (Mk 7:12). It renames the destruction of the divine constitution of the Church and the manipulation of the Papacy as synodality, the renunciation of the need for evangelization and conversion as ecumenical dialogue, redefines the poor as the real presence, and the legitimization of sin as acceptance.

    Remaining faithful to the Word of God means remaining faithful to the Gospel, to doctrine, to Tradition, and to the Mass of all time in which the words, spoken in the sacred language of the Church, keep their meaning intact and communicate it unequivocally, as light shines in darkness. Remaining faithful to the Word of God, that is, to God himself, means knowing how to respond to the word with the word, as Mary Most Holy did when she welcomed the greeting of the Archangel Gabriel.

    Let us therefore call things by their name: let us refer to virtue as virtue and vice as vice; mindful of the admonition of Sacred Scripture: Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who change darkness into light and light into darkness, who change bitter into sweet and sweet into bitter (Is 5:20). Let your speech, therefore, be Yes, yes, no, no: all the rest comes from the Evil One (Mt 5:37). And so may it be.