Same-sex “marriage” has created an increased demand for children obtained through surrogacy by homosexuals. It’s a practice fraught with misery for everyone except the wealthy parents willing to pay for genetic material and to rent a womb for nine months.
Surrogacy entails the use of in vitro fertilization (IVF), which involves the destruction of unused embryos. Those who endorse this set up countless millions of precious souls to be discarded as medical waste.
When people choose to create children using IVF, many more eggs are fertilized than necessary as an insurance policy in case first attempts at successful pregnancies fail. Stored embryos deemed to be no longer necessary for the clients’ pursuit of a family – often numbering a dozen or more – are simply tossed away, their lives aborted.
The IVF industry cannot survive without the killing of embryos. More to the point: the IVF industry cannot survive without the killing of 93 percent of children the process creates.
From the perspective of 10 out of 11 children created via IVF, IVF is murder.