The gruesome trade in the body parts of aborted babies has been exposed yet again in a series of emails published by the New York Post.
The emails discuss fetal tissue like any other commodity such as sugar or rice, nonchalantly negotiating for fetuses up to 23 weeks old from elective abortions. A heavily-redacted so-called “Research Plan” submitted to the University of California San Diego (UCSD) Institutional Review Board and approved in 2018 states scientists wanted 2,500 fetuses from up to almost the sixth month of gestation for experimentation.
“We will collect tissues from fetuses ranging from 4 to 23 weeks gestational age from subjects undergoing elective surgical pregnancy termination at Planned Parenthood in San Diego,” the plan states. Although selling fetal tissue is illegal, donating it is not illegal. The contract between UCSD and Planned Parenthood appears to allow Planned Parenthood to retain “intellectual property rights relating to the” fetal tissue, although it also does not grant UCSD the independent right to “commercialize” the tissue. The fetuses were taken to Perionatal Repository at UCSD to be researched.
This is a long-running scandal. Back in 2020, a chilling report titled “How Aborted Children Are Used in Medical Research in 2020” was published by the National Catholic Register. The exposé detailed laboratory practices at the University of Pittsburgh, where the body parts of babies killed in the second trimester of pregnancy were used in horrifying, Mengele-like experiments. One included grafting the scalps of aborted babies onto rodents to create “humanized mice.” Photographs show soft little tufts of child’s hair sprouting from the sides of mice where researchers replanted it after scalping babies killed in their mother’s wombs.
Those experiments were approved in 2019 by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, then led by Dr. Francis Collins, who vigorously defended the use of baby body parts by stating that even though he is “troubled” by abortion, “there are aspects of fetal tissue that can be extremely valuable” for experiments. Collins identifies as an evangelical and he has been consistently praised as a key voice on ethical issues by religious writers such as Christianity Today editor-in-chief Russell Moore, David French (who called him “a national treasure”), and others – despite Collins’ direct involvement in a medical horror show that would make Dr. Frankenstein blush.
The U.S. National Institutes of Health should immediately defund all research using baby body parts – for a start. Abortion activists insist that the entire debate can be boiled down to a simple slogan: “My body, my choice!” If that is the case, it must be asked – whose body parts, exactly, are being sold by Planned Parenthood and other abortion centers?
Those who doubt that this is still taking place should peruse the emails recently published by the New York Post:
The emails discuss fetal tissue like any other commodity such as sugar or rice, nonchalantly negotiating for fetuses up to 23 weeks old from elective abortions. A heavily-redacted so-called “Research Plan” submitted to the University of California San Diego (UCSD) Institutional Review Board and approved in 2018 states scientists wanted 2,500 fetuses from up to almost the sixth month of gestation for experimentation.
“We will collect tissues from fetuses ranging from 4 to 23 weeks gestational age from subjects undergoing elective surgical pregnancy termination at Planned Parenthood in San Diego,” the plan states. Although selling fetal tissue is illegal, donating it is not illegal. The contract between UCSD and Planned Parenthood appears to allow Planned Parenthood to retain “intellectual property rights relating to the” fetal tissue, although it also does not grant UCSD the independent right to “commercialize” the tissue. The fetuses were taken to Perionatal Repository at UCSD to be researched.
The documents between Planned Parenthood and the University of San Diego emphasise that “viable” and “non-anomalous” – that is, healthy – babies up to 23 weeks old are being given to researchers “in exchange for renumeration from any patents or intellectual property that result from experiments made on them.” These babies are old enough and healthy to survive outside the womb, but abortionists are trading their broken corpses in exchange for royalties deriving from experiments done on them. This is a trade even more evil than slavery; we will never stop working to expose and stop it.