ProLife Laws Save Lives

Abortions in Texas fell from around 50,000 in 2020 and 2021 to just 34 for the bulk of 2023 after the Lone Star State passed some of the nation’s toughest pro-life laws, according to a new state report.

Data released by Texas Health and Human Services shows that 34 abortions were reported between January 1 and September 15, 2023. That’s a stark contrast from the 53,949 abortions performed in 2020 and the 50,783 in 2021.

Abortion numbers in the state were sharply reduced in 2022, the year the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and thereby allowed Texas’ laws prohibiting abortion to take effect. A total of 21,930 abortions were reported to the Texas Health and Human Services Commission for 2022. 

This year's total of just 34 shows that the pro-life legislation fully in force in the state have been responsible for saving many thousands of innocent lives.

As LifeSiteNews has reported, Texas implemented its heartbeat law allowing private citizens to file lawsuits against abortionists who kill babies after about six weeks’ gestation in 2021, and that same year passed a trigger law to ban nearly all abortions if the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe

All 2023 Texas abortions were reported as having been performed both “due to medical emergency” and to preserve the mother’s health.