The far-left is getting uglier and more violent by the day. “Jane’s Revenge”, the pro-abortion militant group, has threatened to “shoot up” a pro-life Catholic venue in Nebraska.
The thuggish group of Marxists, anarchists and LGBTQ bigots has become infamous in recent months after attacking and threatening pro-lifers in the aftermath of the overturning of Roe v. Wade by the US Supreme Court this year.
In June, Jane’s Revenge declared “open season” on US pro-life pregnancy centres. In a threatening letter, the group said pro-lifers could expect “increasing drastic measures”. Jane’s Revenge even stated that “through attacking [pro-lifers], we find joy”.
In an arson attack directed at pro-life offices in Buffalo, New York, a wall was spray-painted with the words, “Jane Was Here.”
Now a letter signed by Jane’s Revenge, threatening death to pro-lifers, has been fixed on the door of the Catholic Newman Center in Nebraska. It read:
If our right to abortion in Bellevue is taken away due to the attempt to pass an abortion ban and it gets passed we will shoot up your Newman Center with our new AR14 rifles.
Sincerely, Jane’s Revenge
The Centre was hosting a pro-life student workshop when the death threat was received. The event was relocated for safety reasons. Police were also called.
A research group recently reported that there have been 22x more attacks on pro-lifers than on pro-abortion individuals and groups following the infamous leak revealing that the US Supreme Court was set to overturn Roe v. Wade.
The death threat issued by Jane’s Revenge came at the same as Hillary Clinton compared pro-life Americans to the Taliban and Russian soldiers who are accused by the liberal mass media of raping Ukrainian women.
By refusing to condemn the threats and violence, and by their inflammatory attacks on pro-lifers, Clinton and her ilk are deliberately stirring up hatred and putting decent people in even greater danger.
Pro-abortion rhetoric relies on lies and intimidation because the argument itself, from the pro-abortion point of view, cannot be won rationally. As is increasingly becoming clear, pro-abortion ideology is a violent ideology, in the end turning to violence to uphold the similarly brutal act of abortion.
It is more important than ever before that pro-lifers stand their ground and speak the truth, peacefully and with love, refusing to give in to such violent threats. Meanwhile, Jane’s Revenge and other pro-abortion militants must be held to account by the authorities. Pro-lifers must be protected.