"I actually felt the evil presence in the room of what was behind abortion.” That's what an abortionist turned pro-life advocate has revealed about the moment that changed her life for good.
Dr. Catherine Wheeler revealed how Christ saved her from the abortion industry as she addressed tens of thousands of pro-lifers from around the world at the 52nd National March for Life in Washington, D.C., explaining how she recognised the reality of abortion during her medical residency.
“In residency, I was introduced to abortion, specifically for babies with special needs, that we would have called birth defects and anomalies,” she recalled.
“And we were told in that situation, it’s a woman’s right to choose, you’re not here to judge,” she explained.
“So, for the first time, we didn’t talk about the baby or healing,” Wheeler continued. “We instead talked about terminating and ending. And for the first time, we completely disregarded and actually intentionally took the life of one of our patients.”
As a result, Wheeler became an abortionist, convincing herself that she was helping women in need. However, one day the “blinders came off,” and she grasped the reality of abortion.
“For the first time, I actually saw the baby I was about to kill with horror,” she recalled. “And for the first time, I actually felt the evil presence in the room of what was behind abortion.”
“Somehow I did that abortion, I don’t know how,” Wheeler revealed. “I never did another abortion in my life.”
During her journey to the pro-life movement, Wheeler shared that she found healing through the love of Christ.
“Somebody asked me on an airplane once, ‘How in the world when you’ve done something that horrible, do you even get up?'” she said.
“And I’ll tell you, I came to know Jesus,” Wheeler declared. “And I came to know his love.”
“Thank you, God,” she proclaimed. “And so, only because of Jesus can I stand up in front of you today. And only because of Jesus can I tell people the dignity, the humanity, and the amazing miracle of babies.”
“And that abortions not only take innocent lives, but they harm women too, and they harm all of us,” she continued. “So, I am here today. If you’ve had an abortion, as an abortionist, I want you to know how sorry I am.”