Hero Archbishop Founds Traditionalist Defence Force

The hero pro-life Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has founded his own international organisation to help “canceled” priests and religious.

On Saturday, it was announced that the former papal nuncio to the United States has become the patron of a civil association named Exsurge Domine (“Arise, Lord”), which will defend not only destitute clergy and religious but the “perennial Tradition of the Church”:

… under my personal patronage, the civil association Exsurge Domine has been founded, which has as its social purpose ‘to provide assistance, support and material help to clergy, religious and consecrated laity who are in conditions of particular economic and logistical difficulties; to defend the unchanged and incorruptible Tradition of the Catholic faith; to preserve and promote the traditional liturgy; to encourage the study and theological and cultural awareness of the immense religious, historical and artistic heritage of Christianity; and to foster opportunities for dialogue and encounter between the various associations, experiences or groups operating within the perennial Tradition of the Catholic Church.

In a statement  the archbishop calls orthodox Catholic priests, nuns, and monks who have been punished by their superiors for their fidelity as “objects of persecution.”

“… [J]ust as the doctors who chose to treat patients during the pandemic lost their licenses and were deprived of their salary, so the priests and religious who do not adapt to the Bergoglian revolution are being removed from churches, expelled from convents, and left without any means of support,” Viganò wrote.

The archbishop finds this particularly shocking, given the promotion in the Church of “heretics, perverts and those who are corrupt.”

“… [I]ndeed they are promoted and encouraged in sin and vice by the very ones whom Christ commanded to protect the flock from rapacious wolves,” he said.

Archbishop Viganò first made international headlines in 2018 by accusing Pope Francis of ignoring then-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick’s sexual misconduct and by calling for the Pontiff’s resignation. Since then, he has issued many strong statements criticising the Pope, elements of the current papacy, Democrat abortionists and the COVID lockdowns – which in many places included the suspension of the sacraments ­– and the experimental COVID jabs.