Abortion Killed 11x More Brits Than WW1

At this time of year we remember all our war dead, but especially the 880,000 British servicemen who fell in the First World War. The horrific scale of the losses still haunts us more than 100 years on. But the shocking truth is that abortion has killed ELEVEN TIMES more people in Britain than the Great War did.

Millions of us wear poppies to remember the 880,000 fallen heroes, but very often it is only grief- and guilt-stricken mothers who remember just one of the more than ten million victims of abortion since 1967.  

On am annual average, abortion has killed well over 180,000 British babies every year. That's only 40,000 fewer casualties a year fewer than our death rate from 1914-18. That's the scale of the unimaginable horror unleashed by the 1967 Abortion Act.

So as we remember our fallen heroes, please spare a thought also for Britain's missing innocents. "We will remember them!"