Almost a quarter of young people are open to the idea of banning the Holy Bible over “hate speech” concerns. This is the frightening finding of a Whitestone Insights survey of 2,088 British adults last month.
The pollsters asked: “Unless the offending parts can be edited out, books containing what some perceive as hate speech should be banned from general sale, including if necessary religious texts such as the Bible.”
They found that 23 percent “of those between the ages of 18 to 34 agreed with the statement that the Bible should be banned if it didn’t have the offending parts cut out,” that “17% between the ages of 35 to 54 supported the statement,” and that “13% of those over the age of 55 also agreed.” Thus, nearly a quarter of younger adults believe that if the Bible cannot be edited, it should be banned.
British society was once based on the values of Scriptural Revelation. Now our values are derived from the Sexual Revolution. Over the past decades, we have slowly but surely seen our legal system realign behind our new value system. It is very possible that, at some point, the Bible will be considered hate speech.
This will only encourage the efforts of the LGBTQ lobby within many British churches to remove unfavourable references to homosexuality from the Bible, but that is only the next step. Indeed, a number of 'modern' Bibles have already appeared with 'difficult' passsages about the Jews, for example, removed or 'updated'.
No-one, of course, would dare to change a single word of the Koran, for fear of Muslim anger. Does this reflect badly on faithful Muslims? Or on milksop Christians?