Still 400,000 US Abortions

Despite the overturning of Roe v Wade and a wave of newly-enforceable pro-life laws, abortion giant Planned Parenthood has just reported its second-highest abortion numbers ever.

Planned Parenthood’s 2021-2022 Annual Report says that last year, the chain committed 374,155 abortions.

The group also conducted 470,419 pap tests and breast exams, 4.4 million tests and exams for sexually-transmitted infections, 2.3 million birth control services, 6,244 prenatal services, 2,653 miscarriage-related services, and 1,803 adoption referrals.

To put those numbers in perspective, Catholic University of America professor Michael New writes that “[b]etween 2021 and 2022, prenatal services fell by a whopping 29 percent. In addition to this, miscarriage-care fell by 5 percent, adoption referrals fell by 7 percent, STI tests fell by over 2 percent, and pregnancy tests fell by 3.7 percent.”

The Supreme Court handed down its Dobbs ruling overturning Roe in June, roughly halfway through the year, leading to the passage and/or activation of laws banning most abortions in fourteen states and Planned Parenthood suspending abortions and/or closing locations in affected jurisdictions. A report earlier this month by the Society of Family Planning indicates that 32,260 fewer abortions occurred in the U.S. in the first six months after Roe, and analysis indicates the real impact may be considerably greater.

Planned Parenthood’s ability to maintain its abortion numbers is a testament to its pushing the issue over all other services. The report touts the organization’s work with the National Abortion Federation and National Network of Abortion Funds to establish “70 navigators” across the country to set up and subsidize travel for abortion appointments in friendly jurisdictions, as well as remote distribution of abortion pills.

Such efforts have also been aided by the pro-abortion Biden administration. The report notes that Planned Parenthood received $670.4 million in taxpayer funds last year, which New calls a “significant 5.8 percent increase from 2021.”

Additionally, the report touches on Planned Parenthood branching out into yet another left-wing social cause, with 41 of its affiliates “provid[ing] gender-affirming hormone therapy,” and 30 affiliates participating in 69 medical studies, an unspecified number of which involve so-called “care” to reinforce gender dysphoria.

Meanwhile, President Joe Biden has called on Congress to codify a “right” to abortion in federal law, which would not only restore but expand the Roe status quo by making it illegal for states to pass virtually any pro-life laws. Democrats currently lack the votes to do so, but whether they get those votes is sure to be one of the major issues of the 2024 elections.