Will you help?
40 Days of Sacrifice – let us give
what we can to save the Unborn Child
Today, across Britain and Ireland, 700 scared, vulnerable women are destroying their unborn babies by abortion. This is a tragedy, a holocaust with eternal consequences for everybody.
Crisis pregnancy care… we need a new approach!
BPAS and Marie Stopes, this country’s main private abortion providers, say that nearly 40% of their ‘business’ – killing babies - comes via their websites. Women are ‘logging on’ to book their ‘terminations’ online.
The live-saving silver lining of this is that, as these frightened girls search online for ‘abortion services’, there is a possibility that they will stumble upon a pro-life site. This is the moment at which everything can change and yet another innocent baby can be saved.
So we MUST raise our profile online, and especially on Social Media.
Modern technology harnessed for good.
Our bold project allows women, girls, and parents (even fathers), to access free advice and information 24 hours a day. It provides discreet and confidential, Christ-centred advice and compassion to all whom need our support. All this is only the click of a button away, any time, day or night.
Our computer online service provides a more comprehensive approach than could ever be achieved in a old crisis pregnancy centre.
“Faith without works is dead”. (James Ch. 2v20)
By putting faith into action, by giving what you can, you will be my partner reaching out to these vulnerable women. These girls are counting on us, we can’t let them down.
It’s time to take up our cross.
To develop and expand the LifeLeague’s work, I need £4,000 to update our I.T. facilities and build up our reach on Social Media.
£4,00 stand between life and death – please HELP ME!
This ambitious undertaking fills me with joy, I can’t think of a more worthwhile cause than to preserve God’s greatest gift ---LIFE!
God Bless You,